


Work/life balance



Bayport Financial Services Reviews


Bracing every day challenges

Like to be self driven and love managing my own work.Company looks growing and developing in the right pace and direction. Sense of security as technology upgrades. Able to work 24/7 due to the newly launched mobile app.

Pros: Yes
Cons: Mostly yes

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Good working experience

Working for bayport was absolutely fun engaging witjh lot of teams gaining knowledge of the financial industry was sweet.i enjpyed alot moving to othe teams getting more knowledge about what they doing and experience that so to me i grew up my edification and am glad about that.

Pros: Getting opportunity to know other teams and how they work,I trully appreciated the chance given it really gave me new knowledge to better myself
Cons: I was working for 8 hours every working day and at times they was overtime on weekends and during the week it was fun and excitting project to be around in

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Willing to learn and good listening skills

What I most enjoy is seeing new people each every day ,people with different characters and different problems what I really love about my job is that I am able to help them ,some come in very angry but they leave with a smile on they faces than I know I have done my job

Pros: Growing company
Cons: Long working hours , can be very quite and slow

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Excellent work environment

Great company to work for. Managers understand the employees and try to make them happy. There's great opportunity for growth. The company encourages employees to study further and it even pays for exams.

Pros: Great opportuinty for growth
Cons: Working Shifts

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I have learned the best sales from the Bayport Financial Services

I have worked for One of the best Financial Services in South Africa Old Mutual Finance Bayport Financial Services Both These companies are counted as one of the top Companies to work for I have gained a lots of expeeriance from these two companies and the most important thing is that both these compnies prmote customer services

Pros: I have 5 years of experience
Cons: i do not have a problem in working long hour as long as it is a productive hours

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Great financial platform

I am a well spoken individual, love working with people and is willing to learn more, however, me looking for a job means that I am opened for new ventures and opened to learn more and grow.

Pros: Excellent experience
Cons: Long working hours

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I have learnt lots of things

Working there was amazing I managed to learn lots of things there and as I have arrived there being a sales agent then later being promoted to sales Manager it really gives me courage to see my self that I can do more than I'm capable of.

Pros: Opportunities
Cons: Long hours

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Teamwork,target driven,working under pressure,respect

o have being working for my last employer for almi have learned more positive things in my years of working experience like teamwork respect and working underpresure,doing daily and being positive in all days that is the kind of environment I was going to for the past nine years my second home and family that is how I feel like when I was at work.ost nine year in the past years I have learned more positive things in a working environment like teamwork and working underpresure,doing daily targets and building a good relationship with my co-workers and clients.The most challenging part in my years of working experience is working under short staff and doing other people work load but to me it was an advantage to learn more and get more experience,comfortably is one thing that I don't believe in,In life you have to aim higher and work hard to achieve yourmembemfortably in than the other people is one thing that I don't believe in,In life you have to aim higher and work hard to achieve your goals.

Pros: Not anytime soon
Cons: 6h30 to 18h00

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No chance of growth in the sales department, branch level.

Financial Consultants are deprived of the chance to grow within the company. Should a" non performing" consultant apply for a post, regardless of their qualification, the application is declined, as the company says it is avoiding promoting"non performance". Not bearing in mind that maybe the consultant has a greater likelihood to perform in the position applied for.

Pros: Experience in sales
Cons: No chance of growth

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Great learning curve

The company I am working under is a very good company to start up a career. We get along very well with co workers. I have learnt a whole lot of things that have molded me to the person I am. Though there is too much pressure at the end of the say I am happy tht I completed my task of the day

Pros: Great opportunity to learn about selling
Cons: Long way to complete client application

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