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Ackermans Reviews


I was are fast learner.it takes 3 days to learn how till works

My Job description I was a cashier at arckemans store.i was are good communicate with customers always .I was loving to help them whn they need product I was taking them where the product is.n I was having good relationship with my co. Workers and I learned how to operate a till how it works.i enjoy to communicate with people.to sell phone was a challenge for me

Pros: Yes
Cons: 8 hours

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What have i learnt

Being a cashier at ackermans ive learnt hw to work with people how to work wit money how to do card payments what are the whats from a cashier an how a cashier should present him/herself

Pros: None
Cons: 8 to 5

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Pros: good to work for
Cons: structure

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Good teller

It was are easy job because l now how to typi .we work well because we always help one another .l learn how to work with customers and help them.l enjoy working with people(customers).working the holl day with on break

Pros: non
Cons: same times we work over time

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My nane is Lelethu Buso. I'm a 27 years young lady who is willing to learn more and love working with people. I'm a person who works hard to achieve for better results for future groth. Working in retail has tought me a lot with customer service. Thank you! Lelethu Buso

Pros: Hard worker
Cons: For better results

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Excellent learning curve, promotions opportunity very high

ive learned alot in the company, ive grew in a short period of time, given opportunity to prove my ability, learned to work as a team which made me a proud team player and im willing to prove my ability and learn more withing different departments.

Pros: great opportunity in promotion
Cons: long working hours

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Retail is not for everyone so if u can't work with people retail is not u

Very good company to work for. The culture is wonderful. U have the.correct tool's and SOP to train the staff to be on the correct level, u want them to help u achieve budgets and targets u as a team need to achieve. I had meeting every morning before shop open with my staff to tell them our budgets and plans for the day. Every staff member I have a little notebook. So I'll.do a floor walk every evening and.write down what they need to do the next day. Then after morningtalk and opening of shop I'll go to staff again and see there notebook and tick off as they finish there taskings for the day. I work hand in hand with a different department everyday. So that I have one on one's with my staff aswel. With motivation and correct training u can achieve anything u want with ur staff

Pros: Always bonuses for great stockloss results and for achieveing budget
Cons: Long hours

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To listen,learn,understand and to to inpower others

Before you need to start the day it's important to inform the staff on the business and try to motivate them to make sure u have your team focus. One thing I have learnt was every day is a challenge and that's because sometimes your planing does not get to be put in place due to staff being absent,last minute promotion or changes etc, but I try to get the planning in place by focusing on one thing at a time. I also get on very well with the staff, and that's by working as a team having fun and getting the job done but the most challenging thing for me was always trying to become the top store in our divisions and thanks to a great team we have made it on many occasions.

Pros: like new challeges
Cons: 8- 6pm

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Good customer service

I am hard working person love working under preasure. I believe in team building .I have marketing n6 n call center certificate. I am a p40 at Ackermans (cashier)

Pros: Love to grow as individual
Cons: long working hours

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Good with an opportunity to improve.

Working in retail is challenging in a good way, you learn something new everyday. In my current position as a buyer's assistant, I'm an all rounder as i work closely with a product planer and product technologist. Working closely with my buying manager and assisting him with admin also helps my growth in my career as he is flexible, challenging and doesn't keep me limited to only doing somethings but exposes me to everything in the buying world.

Pros: The Culture
Cons: Limited opportunities for growth.

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