


Work/life balance



Cellc Reviews


Working for has made learn on how to improve the customer service of any company

Working for Cellc has given me many opportunities and in gaining skills and work experience. Mybcomputer skills has been improved My customer service has Been improved My experiemce in Logistics has been improved through this company

Pros: Very excellent for Promotion
Cons: Over time and long working hours

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Working for the customers is the high light of my day

This company was a good start they thought me to work for the customers and customers service is the only thing I know how to do right now the easiest way to get customers to enjoy what you do is to make it your own little business for the customers

Pros: Great opportunity and best wishes
Cons: Long working hours

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Gained expirience

i am a bubbly person that knows what they come to work for and i work well under pressure, i also like learning new things and learning from other people around me time keeping is my strong point and neatness.

Pros: getting promoted
Cons: transport issues

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Excellent learning curve and experience

Being a customer service is providing service to our customer and catering for their everyday need in a good and friendly invironment i have learnt working with people and being in a team and my company offers on going training on different products

Pros: Great experience
Cons: Working hours and transport issues

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Excellent learning curve

Assisting customers over the phone with their cellphone contracts,from updating customers information such as banking details,email address ,debit order date and banking details to international roaming,cellphone upgrades,debit accounts,reactivation of accounts due to payment.

Pros: great opportunity for promotion
Cons: long working hours

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Willing to learn new things,ability to speak different languages,willing to work under pressure

I am a well driven person,willing to work under pressure,working with different people,with good communication skills,always wants to do my best on my job ,even when I'm given any tasks and making a difference in the company.

Pros: Great opportunity of growing in the company and making a difference
Cons: Long working hours

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I’m always willing to learn, and persuasive

I’m very quiet,I only do what I’m entitled to do and improvise where necessary and apply my skills to improve and learn where I need to also always have a room to accept the wrong and do right next time

Pros: Great opportunity to learn and innovative
Cons: Disrespected and mistreated

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working for Cellc has thought me to understand that people are different but for us to make everything work we needed to work together and respect one another as we were dealing with sensetiv information so we needed to make sure we keep our clients information safe so we used poppy act

Pros: Yes
Cons: 8 hrs

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Well the company is really good to work for growth comes and it goes i am workong hard but i am loosong ny flat i am not fiancially stable here as tge curve goes up and down e

Pros: .. Great to earn a lil extra
Cons: Long hours bad salary

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Positive energy

I am a confident, dedicated and hard working person who believes in my ability to succeed in life. I am a very competitive and passionate person. I believe that having good values, morals and a positive attitude can take you a long way and has therefore, been the reasons for some of my achievements. I am a seasoned Supervisor in the Customer Service Telecommunication Industry. My leadership style focuses on approachability and accountability, and creating a good work environment. This is combined with my efforts to instil a sense of urgency and ownership and a commitment towards excellence across the team.

Pros: growth and stability
Cons: none

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