


Work/life balance



Khethimpilo Reviews


Currently unemployed

Khethimpilo was a Mon profit organization that closed last year. I was in a lernership contract with them and the contract ended. Thank you

Pros: Great learning opportunity
Cons: Normal hours

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It has given good exposure in term of the HAST program

I enjoyed mostly the training and technical support which I gibe to facilities. I mange to identity gaps which the facility manager struggle to see through monthly file audit and work on closing those gaps with the support of the facility. It has given me opportunity to be in meetings with subdistrict and substructure managers where we discuss new ideas,implementation and improvement of those facilities failing to reach their target.

Pros: You are given change to do your schedule the way it suit you facility needs
Cons: Sometimes its resistance to change to the facilities when new idea come for implementation

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I was working as a patient advocate, also done HIV and AIDS testing nd educate patient also do home visit to assess he/ she coping also doing adherence counseling.

Pros: promotion
Cons: long working hours

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It was nice to work at khethimpilo cause I have learned a lot I enjoyed helping clients listing to their storys and their quations. I was working at nice inveroment we were big happy family it was so sad when we were retreanched I miss my client cause most of them we have a bond

Pros: N/A
Cons: Working on suterdays

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