


Work/life balance



Department of Social Development Reviews


Learning Well

My relationship with the co-workers are just fine, i am getting enough opportunity to learn and be exposed to every general HR duty, i enjoy the recruitment process and also love what i do, i have not found any challenges so far since i only have 3 months+ in the company.

Pros: Great opportunity for promotion
Cons: Long working hours

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Excellent learning curve

I would love the opportunity to work in a new environment and learn more, I love working with a positive team and I'm eager to learn. My task on a normal day is to send out letters to creditors and debtors that have out standing balances and notify them of the fruitful and wasteful expenditure they have incurred, at times it challenging to explain to employees that they have exceeded the telephone bill and will therefore have to payit back to the department. It's challenging as people tend to get frustrated and question you, I have to try by all means not to take anything personally and always try stay positive in the situation. Mt relationship with co-workers is professional and we make our work space the best space as that's where we spend most of our day. Iv learnt a lot from being an accounting clerk and the different sectors, I enjoyed being in a space with a positive team that push and encourage teaching new sections as soon as you have mastered the current one.

Pros: Good working environment
Cons: Opportunity for promotion is low

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Challenging and rewarding at some points.

Challenging and rewarding at some points. A typical work day at social development is non stop meetings about another meeting with no work really being done . When it does come to getting the work done pulling rank always comes to play . It is a hassel to do your daily job or to even implement anything .

Pros: Assisting society with the social ills plaguing the country
Cons: No recognition from management for your efforts /

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Great learning opportunities

Good working environment that is safe and convenient. Good colleagues with great relations. Team building qualities. Long working hours. Fair salary.

Pros: Good career path
Cons: Long working hours

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I have excellent Administrative skill and have 15 years Administrative experience.

The company provides welfare services to the South African communities. It provides services to the public according to Batho Pele principles which means people's first. The organization provides excellent services to the public.

Pros: Greater opportunity for promotion.
Cons: Long working hours.

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Good management ata all time

I make sure that i complete my duties on time and work hard to provide services all time. Learning and good communication. Putting Department first. service and production is my first priority.

Pros: Great Experience
Cons: Overtime

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Great experience, learnt alot from colleagues both good and bad

big had a great learning experience the the department of social development. Obtained my diploma after 18 months of work. My role was checking and verify claims, processing payments and batching payment. Documents management(filing, scanning copying)

Pros: Opportunity to learn and get experienced
Cons: No training

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I had a good work experience

I haddddddndnddndnddndnnkhgtcrxzsaesdfglh;i'op\[oihgtterwqndfgbnbvcxzsdsawerghjk/.,mnbvcxzwerfghjkl[poiuytrewqsdfghjk,mnbvcxzsdfghjkl;;lkjhgfdnbvcxcvbnjhgfghjjhgfdfghiuytrewqasdfghj

Pros: great
Cons: long working

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General correspondent secretary,good planning, Filling skill

Assisting of the clients and also greeting of the clients, Answering incoming calls and outgoing call, transfer the calls to the relevant person and also taking a message, emailing and faxing of the documents. Filling the manger's files. Clerical in the organisation, assisting other official's of typing. During lunch time I having lunch with my collegues and also make conversation with the co-worker. I've learnt how to assist the clients to the relevant person. What I enjoying the most at work is to work with people I really like to assist of the clients, The most challenging is to deal of the aggressive client.

Pros: Great salary
Cons: Long working hours

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Great exposure

thetheIt was a great learning experince that It was a great learning experince that has enabled me to work with diverse members of the community. It also enhancedIt was a great learning experince that has enabled me to work with diverse members of the community. It also enhanced my confindence in public speaking as I had to conduct awareness programmes. I enjoyed the conducive working environment which I believe had a good impact on beneficiaries of the services I rendered. my confindence in public speaking as I had to conduct awareness programmes. I enjoyed the conducive working environment which I believe had a good impact on beneficiaries of the services I rendered. enabled me to work with diverse of the community. It also my confindence in public speaking as I had to conduct awareness programmes. I enjoyed the conducive working environment which I believe had a good impact on beneficiaries of the services I rendered.

Pros: Great opportunity for a newly employed social worker as it exposes one to all the methods of social work
Cons: Working to reach more targets. More attention to quantity as compared to quality

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