


Work/life balance



Department of Education Reviews


Department of Education

It is very interesting to work with Educators people who have more experience than you because they teach you somuch work as it is part of gaining knowledge.In most of the day i find it so easy to work with them a lot.We have a good relationship with them because we always get along with them.I have learnt how to attend parents and Staff,doing filling,Preparing the Principal's daily diary,Typing and Photocoping,Using Computer System.Most of the time I enjoy when someone ask me to do some work for the day e.g. Typing and Photocoping together with working with the school System.The most challenging thing is that when it time for writing exams it is too hactic because work load increases each and every seconds and it need a lot of time to get it done in time.

Pros: I know how to do my work.
Cons: 07:30 to 14:30

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Support several projects simultaneously

It was such a great platform for me to grow and also a learning curve. The helped me aquare the following Interpersonal Skills - Skilled at evaluating options and generating solutions. - Able to work on and support several projects simultaneously. - Having an approachable and professional manner at all times. Analytical Skills - The ability to take a large volumes of data and then analyze trends and giving report feedback. - Able to see a problem from a different vantage point than most. - Inputting data accurately, quickly and meeting all set deadlines. - Able to pay attention to detail. Communication Skills - Able to absorb, share, and understand information presented. - Able to respect others’ points of view through engagement and interest. - Able to work on and support several projects simultaneously. Organising Skill. - Ability to work independently and team work.

Pros: Helped me be able to work in team and independently
Cons: They were reasonable

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Management experience

Good working environment but no growth or career pah. Excellent working relationship with coworkers and all stakeholders. Great benefits, reasonable working hours.

Pros: Job security for permanent staff
Cons: No career growth

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ICT Learning/Internship program

I can review my work place as not so busy environment but when its during exam time it gets busy. The relationship i have with my co-workers is fine i work well with them even though sometimes they get to be stubborn but i am coping. I have learnt so much within the period of 1year 6months, such as how to deal with clients and users, how and when to give support and assistance when needed. What i enjoy most its the flexibility and the off office work when we travel to schools for monitoring labs and teachers laptops. Most challenging is to deal with people who have no clue how computers work and people who dont seem to have the basics also the one tough transversal system i came across with which is SASAMS.

Pros: Working experience especially learning more on networks
Cons: Transversal systems

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Excellent learning curve

My typical work day is a very busy day more especially the help desk logged calls are flooded but I enjoyed my day no matter what. Am the only Female in my department we have a great relationship with my colleagues. I've learned a lot more especially working with servers and active directly. I enjoy resolving logged calls and leave the client happy.

Pros: Great opportunity
Cons: Short hours :)

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Excellent curve

I have a good relationship with my colleagues, i respect them and earn respect in return from them, in collaboration i work with them so effeciently I have learnt working around with people, how should i behave at work place,and I also learnt that i must respect my job as it is the source of living I enjoy mustering my work unexpectedly Pressure from the management, not disciplined learners and conflict in staff


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Eager to learn

I learn everyday new things and i get to know what kind of people we deal with and i know how to handle the pressure, they so welcoming and they make sure that you understand your work and if you need any help they are willing to show you what to do and also they have a good leadership and respect

Pros: Great oppoortunity for promotion
Cons: Long working hours

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Great opportunity

Good day I would make a great candidate for this position because I am willing to learn and able to learn very fast. I work very well with people and as a individual. I am able to meet targets and work very well under pressure. If given the chance I could prove my loyalty and dedication to your company. Kind regards V. Jack

Pros: Working with people and getting to get the job done on time benefiting a lot of people is a job well done
Cons: Sometimes working with some individuals who are not willing to work hard like you do is a disadvantage

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First permanent job it took a while to adjust

Been at this job for a while and you as a person needs to be challenged so if you no longer get challenged it calls for change. I love working on the environment with kids they just make you smile even when you are down, working at a school environment taught me to liase with different people from all walks of life, there is a child, a parent, co workers, people from the Department. The greatest challenge is when a parent wants something and they want it now and when you being questioned constantly about the whys. I will always love working with kids but everyone in life needs a new challenge.

Pros: Working five days a week
Cons: Exam time and registration time your work get multiplied like 20

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Good learning curve

- Eight hour working day, with three periods per day, on an 8 day cyle timetable. - Good relationship with colleagues in terms of social relations as well as work related stuff. - I have learnt to work independently, as well as to be a team player. I have also acquired some management skills through classroom managing as well as being a subject head. - I enjoy working with learners from different backgrounds and ensuring that I motivate them to have a bright future. - The most challanging aspect is working with bigger numbers of learners in class, making it difficult to reach out to every learner, and making more load in marking.

Pros: Short working hours
Cons: Less opportunities for promotion

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