


Work/life balance



Evander Gold Mine Reviews


Exposure in gold mining industry

The biggest challenge the mine is having is Control of water thus resulting in corrosion of steel structures and regular flooding. Most co workers are not willing to work overtime thus also result on mine seeking outside assistance

Pros: Great income in terms of bonuses if targets are met regularly
Cons: Extensive hours of work

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Great working environment

We work as a team of about 7 people, that is three artisans, Onsetter, banksman and myself as a winding engine driver. On daily basis artisans will come and sign the drivers log book for daily legals I.e to ensure the safety of the winder and the conveyance while Onsetter and banksman help with giving signals for any movements required by artisans. I enjoy working with the team because we listen to each other and the respect is overwhelming. We learn new things all the time from each others way of doing their respective jobs. Our work needs our full attention since it is the safety of the people we are mostly concerned about.

Pros: Great opportunity to build skills
Cons: Normal hours and cycle shifts

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Pick up lots of experience

Normal working day starts with attending to any breakdowns that accured during the night shift,and doing daily inspections in all areas of the plant,the engineering team work together when ever called for and the production team also assist with good information of whatever faults there are in the plant,and will assist engineering team whenever it's necessary,the worst aspect of the job is probably the standby duties which is normally a busy week with a lot of pressure to get plant running again

Pros: Normal working hours
Cons: Lots of call outs when on str

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Making sure that the team is working effectively and achieving the desired objectives

Control room operation, plant maintenance and troubleshooting. Reagents handling skills and reagents management. Skills in sampling and evaluation as well operating other laboratory equipment such as Adsorption Atomic Spectrum (AA machine), Supervisory skills and overall plant management skills. Control room operation, plant maintenance and troubleshooting. Reagents handling skills and reagents management.

Pros: great opportunity to learn
Cons: none

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I'm willing to learn different things problem solving in a good manner.

I'm a hard worker,passionate and respectively.I'm willing to relocate and work in different situation like under pressure.My relationship with my co-workers is very good because if we meet a challenge all of us we come out with different opinions and we final use that gonna help us to go through to the challenge.I have learnt how to solve problems and how it is important to work as a team.Most I enjoy to work with different people and get good results on each and every task.The most challenging aspects is to work under pressure and extra hours.

Pros: Yes if i am doing well in front of my seniors and they decided to give me a promotion it will be good for me and it shows a progress in life.
Cons: Yes I'm flexible to work extra hours.I'm ready to do standby and overtime if it is necessary.

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Great experience

its a very professional environment to work. The manager is a black, young woman who is very professional when it comes to production and has set standard very high for us and that encourages everyone to produce positive results. the hiring process is also very open

Pros: great opportunity for promotion
Cons: long working hours

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Experience stand up

I'm responsible Electrician for Smelt House, installation and maintenance of electrical equipments like induction Furnaces, calciner, Rectifier circuit and Ovens, during my standby duties I work at plant maintenaning circuits like conveyor belts, mill motor, motor Starters, VSD and boiler.

Pros: Experience worker
Cons: Long hours

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