


Work/life balance



Europ Assistance Reviews


An eye opener

a typical day would include capturing around 180-200 ambulance claims a day that the. medical aid has to pay within a 48hr period. with that we have to deal with queries or complaints via telephone from the various service providers. it's a stressful working environment yet the fellow co workers make it enjoyable. I have a good relationship with my co workers as we finding new ways to make our work easier regardless of the circumstances we face. what I have learnt is that regardless of how much you know there's always room to learn and that one should always strive to progress on merit rather than favour. most importantly don't lose who you are and always hold on to your morals and values. the challenging aspects are management who don't communicate enough with employees and who dictate rather than encourage or motivate. another aspect is having to deliver great customer service with little staff.

Pros: understanding co workers
Cons: lack of communication between employees and management

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Project Management Training at GIBS

A typical work day at work in my current role entails a lot of collaboration with other departments and across the group as a whole. The sharing of ideas and inclusion of all are vital in the seamless running of our operations. Your relationship with co-workers is very good as we've all realised that we need each other's specialised skills in order to reach or company and in some cases personal growth objectives. I have learnt just how strong I am as a communicator and the various crises I face on a daily basis have shown me this. What you enjoy most about my job is the opportunity to do what I love on a daily basis and the unpredictability of our industry keeps me on my toes. The most challenging aspects of the job are also the best parts of it. The unpredictability of the job make it difficult to forsee every eventuality, and the lack of speed in adapting to the new age also make my job challenging.

Pros: Plenty of training and studying opportunity
Cons: No opportunity for growth

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Excellent learning curve and opportunity to gain work exeperience

A typical work day at my current company is a new and exciting experience every , because I get to learn how to work with different situations and scenarios , given that it is a emergency call centre for both road and home emergencies . My relationship with co-workers is good because we work well with one another and understand each other , we also try to help one another where we can . I have learned how to work under pressure , I have learned how to react in certain situations and scenarios , I have learned the importance of telephone ethics and most importantly I mostly enjoy the environment at work but I have worked in the customer services industry since 2015, started off in a face to face customer services and currently doing the telephonic customer services. Eager to learn different things and challenge myself . The most challenging aspects of my current job honestly speaking are the working hours , I have been working shifts for nearly 2 years now .

Pros: Opportunity to gain work experience
Cons: Working shifts

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I'm a hard worker

I'm a hard worker very friendly and interact well with people ,flexible with working hours, love travelling and looking forward to new challenges . customer care has thought me a lot such as dealing with different people and different situations. I always put myself in the clients shoes and try my best to assist professionally - outcome to all of this is - at the end of the day client must be assisted and happy with the service . That to me is customer care . relationship with my co-workers is also very professional . on a typical work day - I try all means to keep calm and always be professional , don't even bring my person issues at work . though its stressful at times but also challenging as well . I have learnt a lot in Europ Assistance - what I love the most is everyone there is so friendly - worked 9-12hours shift - shifts will rotate .

Pros: Yes
Cons: 12 hours

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Customer Service

Customer Service world is one industry where you can take a lot of strain from because most clients want someone to blame, and you as an agent you are there to reassure the client that they will get the service they pay for. To be honest of what i have learned in this industry is that the customers is not always right but they have the right to the service they pay for and as an agent in the call center you need to make every client feel that they have your utmost attention and your willingness to help them. In an industry where you work with people team work is always essential good leadership is always needed and great team spirit.

Pros: there is not enough growth...
Cons: Long straining hours...

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Its is a learning curver but also stranus

Im working at an emergency (outsourcing) department very busy. a typical working day will be on the weekends and month end, its very busy especially with the requirements of an ambulance and the police. with my co-workers is very good we communicate and assist each other. i have learned that if we work together we can achieve a lot. i enjoy working with different people all the time and being able to assist and help them. the challenge is that when its a month end or weekend and we are shot stuffed then we have lot of calls queuing the whole day.

Pros: great opportunity for beginers in the call centre indusy but not career wise
Cons: 12 hours

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Being in a huge company made me to gain extra self esteem and confident , As I was dealing with many service providers and Gems clients,Taking decisions on my own working in a perfect manner that under my team leader. Assisting service providers with their claim queries. I really enjoyed assessing medical claims.and data capturing.

Pros: Yes
Cons: Yes

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Average day at the office

Arrive at about 06:30AM, start planning day around scheduled outlook meetings, priority task are attended to 1st, agents start arriving before shift at 07:00, a daily check in is done on previous days queries or any escalations, reports are drawn from the previous day and document on weekly, daily , monthly reports . escalations are attended to throughout the day, any complaints that are sent from various internal clients are address. Coaching and performance feedback is done during any free time.

Pros: Dynamic company with various interesting parts of the business that you learn about everyday.
Cons: distance between home and work

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I believe I have the necessary skills and abilities for the job. I am organised, resourceful, and am a fast learner. In terms of interpersonal communication, I am responsive to my colleagues and am eager to help whenever possible. I am good at team work, able to consider and analyze different opinions, and take the lead when necessary. I am good at persuading others by creating relationships based on mutual trust and understanding. I also know that I have the ability it takes to perform the job effectively.


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Excellent learning curve

I’m a very inquisitive person, outspoken and outgoing, very creative, got great leadership skills and qualities, I’m a quick learner and willing to learn, handle challenges quite well, seem to thrive under pressure, ready to undergo any form of training to broaden my skills, and gain work experience in the process, for a better reference in the future.

Pros: work ethics level improves
Cons: long working hours

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