


Work/life balance



Lumico Reviews



zsczscsdcscfadsvxdvzxdvzxdvzxdvzsdsvdsdvazdvzxfvzxfvzxdvvsfcawercsrdfcsedvvzxvzsvsdvxzrfsdrgdfvasefasfzsvazsdasdfsaFsdffsdsfvadsvsdf sadvzsdvSCFasdvasfasasdvase wqeefASfvasafseas wsfsafasfawef awsfaseefasffasefawefaefaesfasfsdfasdfase asfasefasefasefasdfasfasefsdfsfsdfsdfasdfsdfsdvdzvzsdfvsDfzsdfdvdfvsdv

Pros: sdffasdffdzsf
Cons: zsdfasdfasdffsadf

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Excellent communication skills with clients

I am self-motivated and conscientious person and well organized, highly motivated to accept responsibility and thorough in my approach to work I always ensuring that I operated a high level of integrity. I can work with different personalities. I have Matric and Diploma in Business Admin, Specializing in Marketing Management. I’m young, vibrant and willing to learn and explore new information, sharing skills with others. I’m confident and computer literacy. I am very interested to work in the Administration field because it deals with people and provide them with better service

Pros: Builidi confindence and creating good working relationship with clients
Cons: overtime

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Excellent start

The company is a very good for starters and it gives a very good opportunities. I have learnt a lot to the company from working with races and understanding the different cultures and backgrounds. I have learn how to do an SEO on the site and working at the back end of the site.

Pros: Great opportunity for growth
Cons: Long working hours

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